Hello to everyone

LeonaMUncategorized4 Comments

Greetings to all who are reading this.  I’m not sure what I’m looking for here.  Perhaps just some kindred spirits.  I am 69 years old and divorced since 2015.  As I had no income of my own, I had to move into a quickly constructed bedroom in my basement so that my son and his family could move into the house upstairs.  (I got the house in the divorce, but no other income).  My son struggles financially, so it was a benefit to both of us.   However, my son works long hours (construction) and it’s difficult for me to get along with his wife, so I go days and sometimes weeks without seeing them.  I use a social media platform (Second Life) as a social outlet.   I have two other grown children, but they stay very busy with their jobs, so I don’t see them very often either.  

I’m not really sure why, but the older I get, the less I have a desire to do anything at all.  I feel “blue” all of the time and find myself tearing up at the oddest moments.  I watch TV a lot, play video games, crochet, read and chat with the people I’ve met via social media.  Living on small Social Security payments limits my ability to get out and do much, plus I don’t drive in the dark, not that I can really think of anything I want to do.  And the folks I talk to don’t understand.  Other than that, I’m healthy enough, though my energy level is extremely low, and I have good days mixed in with the bad.  I have a lot to be grateful for, just have to remind myself frequently of what those are.  

If you can relate, and you’re looking for someone who will understand, feel free to reply.  I’d welcome some friends.


4 Comments on “Hello to everyone”

  1. @leonam, We are SO happy you have found us here at this space. Please feel free to chat us up anytime if you need a friendly ear or feel like processing something with one of us. We are here 24/7 too so you can always reach out through the chat if you aren’t a fan of calling our hotline! It sounds like you have a pretty awesome mindset regardless of feeling “blue” a lot, which can be a vital key to resiliency. This is a safe space to explore new coping mechanisms, to process what you need to, and to meet others who can relate. Thanks for letting us get to know you :)!

    FKB Staff ~ Anita

  2. Hello Anita. Thank you so much for the very warm welcome. This space feels like an oasis from my everyday life and living conditions that are much less than ideal. I know I’m not the only one who has taken some pretty hard knocks from life and finding it difficult to stay in a positive frame of mind. I feel sorry for myself a lot but that’s not how I want to be. There are many others who deal with things much worse that I, and if we can find a way to support each other, we will all be better off for it. It’s a privilege to be here.


  3. Leona,

    We are glad to have you! It is normal to have feelings like that and it is Ok to let yourself feel them at times but if you ever feel like you are stuck in those feelings don’t hesitate to reach out to the page or to us, the FKB staff, at any time, we are here to chat or talk at 1-866-728-7983. Sometimes calling can be faster than the chat on here or the blog but definitely feel free to use it all how you need!

    You are right some do have it harder (and some have it easier) but that doesn’t mean what you are feeling is wrong or bad. Your feelings are valid and letting yourself feel them without feeling bad for having them can actually be freeing for some (myself included). I like to get a good cry out now and again, I like to give myself time to have my feelings freely and sometimes when I am alone, I yell and give myself the freedom to get some of those emotions out. Then after I give my feelings the attention, they deserve I try to focus on what I can do to help myself feel better.

    Some good and simple self-care and self-love practices can go a long way. For me getting out of the house really helps even if it’s just for a walk or going to the park to read a book, staying active is huge help, trying to eat regularly helps (more than I thought it would), staying hydrated, talking to a therapist, talking to a friend in person or online. All of those might seem small but together they are a big help. I also recently tried out an app my co-workers suggested called meet up. Its free and just basically like a interest board where you can find groups of other like-minded folks who meet up to do activities.

    Thank you for sharing with us and remember we are always here for you too!

    Take care and best wishes,
    Nicole 😉

  4. @leonam one last thing I meant to add in case you are a reader is the book “The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now” by Thich Nhat Hanh (Author). I have the audible version and I am not yet finished with it but I really like it and find it helps to bring me peace and calm. I hope you are enjoying your weekend!


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