
hmzzzUncategorized2 Comments

I’m very thankful that I found this website, I usually don’t choose online platforms to cope with things but I’d figure I’d give this one a shot. I just want to read other people forums and maybe connect with people who are dealing with the same mental health issues I’m dealing with. I’ve never felt like I can really talk to the people around me about my life, without making them uncomfortable… Idk, I’m just sad, like all the time.  I get extremely anxious and I have a beautiful case of PTSD that gets triggered by the most absurd things. I guess I would just like someone to talk to who gets it…ya’ know? I know I’m not alone and I know I’m going to be okay, I mean, I’ve made it this far and I like where I’m at in my life but lately, my emotions have been so up and down. One minute I’m so happy and grateful to be alive and the next I feel as though I’m suffocating. I want to find a way to cope with these feelings. I guess I really want to accept my suffering as a part of life and use it to transcend into the happy adult I’m supposed to be. I hope this will be helpful to heal. 

2 Comments on “Hi.”

  1. Hello, I completely understand how you feel. Right now I am in such a sad position that I cant seem to find my way out of it. I get sad for a couple of days and then I have a happy day with no mental stress and then just as quickly as it came on, I am sad again. I have Bipolar 2 so I know what you are going through. Please message me if you need to chat. I will share some stories with you.


  2. I have PTSD as well. And I’m in a situation where the trauma was caused by a relative, and my whole family believes and supports that relative, which means I am completely estranged from my family. As far as discussing things with friends….I find the exact same problem: it’s like I’ve made them extremely uncomfortable and burdened them. It’s almost like I’m HURTING them by sharing how I feel. So I don’t. Or…there’s the sort of blank response from someone who just has no idea what I’m talking about or going through, and then I find myself trying to explain, hard, what I’m talking about, and then convince them this is genuinely devastating for me.
    I call someone for support, and then suddenly, I’m defending myself and trying to explain why I hurt or need help. It’s insane.
    This has created a situation for me where I’m incredibly isolated, and this website is the first thing I’ve done to try and get out of that isolation.

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