Merry Christmas

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Hey all! FKB staff here! Merry Christmas to you all! Question for today:

What is your favorite Christmas gift you have ever received? Why? 

Looking forward to hearing back from all of you, stay safe this holiday season!

-FKB Staff 🙂


2 Comments on “Merry Christmas”

  1. I was about 10 or 11 years old, and I badly wanted a Radio Shack TRS-80 MC-10 computer. It was a tiny computer that hooked up to your TV, and it had about 4k of memory. It could only be used for writing programs in Basic. Anybody who’s ever done this:

    10 PRINT “HELLO”
    20 GOTO 10

    …knows what I’m talking about. When I unwrapped it, I was thrilled. I hooked it up and wrote my own number-guessing games, then put programs in there that did everything from simulate throwing dice at a craps table to calculating loan amortization. This little computer was to me what the Red Ryder BB gun was to Ralphie in the movie “A Christmas Story”.

    I’ve received many wonderful gifts since then, of course, but nothing that thrilled my young mind the way that that little Radio Shack computer did.

  2. Matty,

    That is amazing. There is always that one gift that can never be topped, emotion wise! Also, it sounds like you were an EXTREMELY smart and gifted 10–11-year-old, as I couldn’t even imagine being able to work the basics of a computer at that age! That is so impressive. Was there anything in particular you programmed into the little computer that you enjoyed the most?

    -FKB staff 🙂


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