
LaurenUncategorized2 Comments

Yesterday I had to put my sweet thirteen year old cat Miss Trixie to sleep. She declined incredibly quickly and I promised her I would not let her suffer and I had to keep my promise. My heart is in pieces.

Trixie battled kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, and two bouts of cancer. She fought these diseases with sass and a fiery spirit that brought a smile to my face every single day.

From now on Trixie flies free.

Turn right at the first star Miss Trix, and then straight on ’til morning. I’ll meet you there.

2 Comments on “Trixie-Cat”

  1. Lauren we are so sorry to hear of this for you. It is never easy to say goodbye at any time to our precious fur babies. It sounds like you loved her very much and gave her an amazing life with the best care imaginable. If you ever need to talk to someone you can call us anytime day or night @ 866-728-7983. also has some pet loss supports on there that you might find helpful in this hard time. All of our hearts are with you.

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