If you were to perform a duet with a famous musician, who would it be and why?

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I would pick Elvis. I love his velvety voice and I find it comforting and soothing. Elvis reminds me of childhood and my grandpa’s 8-track player. 

My second pick would be Justin Furstenfeld from Blue October. I really admire his honesty and openness and how much her really seems to care about his family and fans. His music has really helped me thought the best and worst times of my life. He gives me hope and peace. I’m not entirely certain on the song I’d pick but it might be Fear (by Blue October) I LOVE that song. 

Love to hear for all of you lovely people!
~ Nicole

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2 Comments on “If you were to perform a duet with a famous musician, who would it be and why?”

    1. That would a beautiful sight to see! I am with you there. I do NOT sing well at all lol. No one really wants to hear me sing and I know that 😉 so sadly no duets with Justin in my future. haha

      I always wanted to be a rockstar growing up, but I do not think I could take the constant attention and all that goes on with that life. It seems so tiring to me and too fake (some of it anyway).


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