I’m not a real adult

justaspektUncategorized1 Comment

I don’t have a job.

I don’t live away from my grandparents.

I dont’ drive. I depend on my grandmother for transportation.

I don’t have any skills or talents.

I get stressed out by so many things that others find so easy. I get stressed out by getting glasses adjusted over and over and having trouble with that. What other adult have you ever known that needed to go back to the glasses store for months and still not having them adjusted right because their vision is so bad and their nose is so sensitive?

I have no responsibilities. I struggle with just getting by and taking care of mysself every day. Physically at least. Mentally I’m horrible at taking care of myself.

And I dont’ know what to do to fix anything or move on from here. I’m not sure how I become a real adult or how I make myself normal. I don’t know what to do to fix me and get rid of my autism, my anxiety and my horrible vision.

Some days I’m just sick of being me. I wish I could be someone else instead.

I hate me.

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One Comment on “I’m not a real adult”

  1. Hi @justaspekt,

    It’s really hard to see ourselves through a lens of “normal” or “adult”, words that are a concept and don’t really have a concrete definition. You are not alone in the struggle of feeling “behind” in life. It’s important for each person to have their own reachable goals, which may look very different. Comparison can be unhelpful when it makes us feel “less than” someone else.

    It’s okay if your reaction to something like having your glasses adjusted is different from another person. Everyone has unique needs and there is no “wrong” way to respond to something, just feelings you individually experience. Knowing you have autism and anxiety is just information to help you find the best methods to grow, it is not a statement on who you are as a person.

    Have you explored any possible new special interests or hobbies? Sometimes when we have less stimulus, it causes us to get stuck in negative thought patterns. Keeping busy with something might serve as a helpful coping skill.

    We want you to know that we are here to support you anytime via chat or by reaching out to us at 866-728-7983 anytime, 24/7/365!

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